

VINITALY 2024-Verona

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We will participate in VINITALY 2024 in Verona from April 14 to 17. You can find us at Pad 8-area FIVI (Italian Federation of Independent Winemakers) . We will be happy to meet you  there.


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We will participate in PROWEIN 2024- Düsseldorf-GERMANY from March 10 to 12 . You can find us at Hall 16 Booth F 52. We look forward to seeing you there.

Mercato dei Vini FIVI-BOLOGNA 25-26-27 Nov 2023

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Saremo a BOLOGNA alla Fiera  Mercato dei Vini FIVI , il 25-26-27 novembre 2023.

Ci trovate presso il Pad 29 STAND A 34

TERRA TREMA-Leoncavallo-MILANO 24-25-26 Nov 2023

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Saremo da ven 24 a domenica 26 Novembre 2023 all’evento enoico  LA TERRA TREMA- Leoncavallo, Via Watteau – Per noi è la ventesima edizione  di questa magnifica fiera del vino a Milano-

Per informazioni:


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The Offida DOCG DONNA ORGILLA pecorino was awarded by the SLOW WINE 2024 guide as SLOW WINE, among the best wines of 2024.

DONNA ORGILLA Offida Pecorino

Offida pecorino DONNA ORGILLA dell’azienda Agricola Fiorano- Cossignano- Marche


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DONNA ORGILLA Offida Pecorino

Offida pecorino DONNA ORGILLA dell’azienda Agricola Fiorano- Cossignano- Marche

We celebrate 30 years of activity by making a restyling of our most famous label and precisely the OFFIDA PECORINO DOCG ” DONNA ORGILLA ”

The new label designed by  the Piceno artist  LARA PIGNOTTI , is a tribute to the history of Cossignano and its most famous woman , the medieval castellan DONNA ORGILLA. The woman’s hair is in the wind and her sinuous, lithe body speaks of grace and beauty as a white wine does. In the background the watercolor of the Picene hills gives lightness to the design, embellished by the gold of the flowers and grasses placed on Donna Orgilla’s dress and in her hair to evoke the main scents of the wine

BOOKING score 2023: 9.6!

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Punteggio – Booking award for 2022 year

FIORANO turns 30 !

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In January 2023 we celebrated 30 years of uninterrupted agricultural activity. An important milestone that has brought us much satisfaction and that we are celebrating throughout 2023 with various events at the winery. It is not easy these days to run a business always pursuing one’s goals and chasing one’s dreams. Still, we think we have accomplished a lot even though much always needs to be done.

In addition, on the occasion of this important anniversary, we have proceeded with a restyling of some historical labels such as DONNA ORGILLA pecorino and TERRE DI GIOBBE superior Piceno red. More events are expected . Stay with us and follow us


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We will attend VINITALY 2023 in Verona  2/5 April

You find us at HAll 8- AREA FIVI-E8/E9 desk 3


azienda fiorano marche a vinitaly 2023-pad 8 area fivi



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azienda fiorano marche vinitaly 2023

azienda fiorano marche a vinitaly 2023-pad 8 area fivi

Saremo presenti alla prossima edizione VINITALY 2023 a Verona dal 2 al 5 Aprile . Ci trovate al Padiglione 8-AREA FIVI- E8/E9 desk 3